Transitions are swaged tubes that taper from a small diameter to a larger diameter. They are available with either a Long (14º) taper, or a Short (30º) taper. Normally, a 2" long straight section is provided at the small end. Transitions are made to order and are specified by the small diameter. To calculate the length of the tapered section, subtract the small diameter from the large diameter and multiply by 4.07 (Long) or 1.87 (Short).
Long Transition Length = (ODlarge - ODsmall) * 4.07
Short Transition Length = (ODlarge - ODsmall) * 1.87
To order, select the Large or Short taper. Then select your Outside Diameter (OD), then your Wall Thickness (gauge).
For example:
Material - 304SS
Gauge - 16, 0.065" wall
Small OD - 2"
Taper - Long
Part number would be RD-200-16-304-L
Once you have chosen the part number, choose the "Large End OD" using the pull down menu.
How To Specify Outlet Size
Find the outlet range as shown in the picture on the left for the specific sku. Then write a measurement on or between the range in 1/8" increments for Large End OD.
For Example:
1. Select Transition Variant.
2. Find range, as shown below in black box.
3. Outlet Size can be 1 1/4" up to 1 3/4" in 1/8" increments.
4. In this example, outlet sizes can be:
5. Write in Outlet Size in text box above.